"Adept Scientific"
Adept Scientific supplies and supports technical computing solutions for scientists and engineers in many fields
"AutoCAD Shareware Clearinghouse"
True to its name, this clearinghouse presents its wide collection of tools, models, files, and programs. Includes a CAD store, and a live chat.
"CAD Forum"
Cad-forum online resources for autocad community on jobs, freeware, shareware, software to view drawing file format of DWG,DXF and consultancy services for cad companies.
"CAD on the Web"
the first CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS portal site.
"CAD Portal"
An Internet resource for engineering professionals. Features a CAD/CAM/CAE directory, job links, and our exclusive InfoChannels, which focus on products by vendor.
"CADInfo Net"
A portal to the international CAD community.
"SVAP - Silicon Valley AutoCAD User Group"
Created by AutoCAD users for AutoCAD users, presented to AutoCAD users in Silicon Valley across the United States and beyond.
"Ten Links"
The Ultimate CAD Directory